NORAS PERFORMANCE is an industrial company from Noras Group with an integrated quality, environment and safety management system, certified by SGS in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2019 standards, applicable to the design, development and production of technological equipment, Production of machined, metallic and non-metallic products.
Quality, Environment and Safety Policy
Noras Performance, is committed to satisfy the needs and expectations of clients, continuously supply high quality products and services, transmit confidence and technical capacity obtained by the constant search for continuous improvement, excellence, innovation and sustainable development of the activity, safeguarding the environment and the health and safety of its collaborators, as well as the personal data and privacy of the personal information provided, being the fulfillment of the legal requirements and others applicable, the good practices in the management and treatment of personal data and the information security, integral components of the company’s management and control.
These are Noras Performance’s commitments:
- To guarantee high levels of excellence in products and services, building a relationship loyalty and partnership with customers, sustained by the strict fulfillment of agreed commitments;
- Ensure the development of innovative products that continuously meet the needs and expectations of customers and society;
- Maintain an Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System, appropriate for its products, activities and services, guided by its objectives and principles, promoting continuous improvement, in accordance with the reference standards;
- Ensure compliance with legislation, regulations and other requirements applicable to its activities;
- To promote the personal and professional development, participation and consultation of employees, valuing and encouraging initiative, innovation, productivity and commitment to the achievement of company goals and continuous improvement, also encouraging partners and suppliers;
- Prevent accidents, control risks and protect the health of employees, contractors, and visitors by encouraging, training, and promoting the adoption of good safety practices and to identify and report all unsafe situations;
- Take actions that promote the efficient use of resources, the minimization and proper management of waste, and the prevention of pollution.
- Encouraging suppliers to develop products and services that respond to constant innovations in quality, environment and safety.
- Promote the dissemination of Noras Performance’s Quality, Environment and Safety Policy to all interested parties.